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OptimESM Panels

Early Career Researchers (ECRs) panel

This panel provides a meeting forum and network for all early career researchers (Masters students, PhD students and post-docs) working in OptimESM.  The goals of the panel are two-fold.  On the one hand it will provide support and advice to the member ECRs, so contributing to their career development.  On the other, it will act as a channel to increase the visibility of the ECR cohort within OptimESM, and to communicate their challenges and needs to the decision-making bodies. 

Gender panel

This panel will monitor and provide guidance on gender dimensions in the various management and research activities of OptimESM.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) panel

This panel will monitor the implementation of IPR procedures according to the Consortium Agreement (CA) and clarify IPR issues in the case of conflicts. The IPR panel will also give general advice to the EB about all aspects of IPR.

Arbitration panel 

The purpose of the arbitration panel is to resolve conflicts occurring between partners of the consortium in relation to the project, such as conflicts on authorship, responsibilities for tasks and deliverables, and allocation of funding. The Arbitration Panel will review the conflicts together with the involved partners and propose solutions, according to the process detailed in the consortium agreement.